butterfly effect.

mentorship program

‘butterfly effect’ is a term rooted in mathematics but we know edward lorenz was clearly talking about the blooms & do-gooders when he coined the term.

that even small, seemingly insignificant actions can create a ripple effect, leading to larger positive changes in our community - much like how a butterfly flapping its wings could cause a distant storm, or how the tiniest act of good and kindness can change the world.

so who better to be our squad of butterflies than all those sweet (and spicy) kiddos and young people, with fresh brave ideas and hopeful hearts? YOU are pure MAGIC.

and since we love some whimsy over here, and because there are three major kinds of butterfly effects (BEs) in the land of mathematics - we decided in the land of flowers there is a fourth: (BE4g)

Butterfly Effect 4 good

butterfly bio

“Hi! My name is Quinlyn Peper, and I am a high school student at Monticello High School. I first heard of blooms4good through my Mom; who works at Charlottesville Day School. I was then able to get into contact with Kira Memery, where I started volunteering with her and blooms4good. Initially, I was merely interested in a volunteer opportunity, and a chance to work with some beautiful flowers. It quickly transpired into something more! After some time and planning, I brought up my decision to go to Costa Rica this summer for a pre-med, community service trip. blooms4good was incredibly on board to help me with some fundraising ideas. I am so grateful for everything that blooms4good stands for, and the amount of support that they have lent me with my project!

during her trip, quinlyn will learn the history of healthcare in costa rica; obtain a wilderness first aid certificate; attend a mental health first aid workshop; volunteer at a health clinic and observe doctors; learn about alternative medicine practices.

total fundraising goal: $3,000 // remaining fundraising goal: $2,350

join BE4g

bring us your ideas! we’d love to hear about your efforts and learn how we can support your project with blooms. send us an inquiry below and we will be in touch!!

PS: think lemonade stand4good, but just with blooms instead!